Author, aspiration or delusion?

If you were to trek your way back to 2007 and this post: On Being an Author, you would see that I have been tooling around with the idea for a long time. In fact, I wrote the first draft of my novel in the year after my first child was born, 1996! Nearly 15 years after I first put pen to paper (OK smartypants, fingertips to keyboard), I’m having another crack.

Back in 2007, the problem was that although the concept and setting was good with plenty of material to put in the book, the plot was almost non-existent and the character development was poor. The prose was mostly turgid too and I had a basic inability to describe people. Not much to rescue perhaps. Well, I picked it all back up again three months ago and reworked the plot and painted it into a revised chapter plan. Here I am now at 20% through the rewrite and still fired up with enthusiasm. Hurray!

Finally, I’ve found a really productive use of the 2-3 hours I spend on the train every day, that is if I can stay awake. :-/ Stay tuned! Harple, bless her cotton socks has promised to read and critique it.

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1 Response to Author, aspiration or delusion?

  1. TinaCortina says:

    Looking forward to being amongst the first readers!!
    Hugs Tina xx

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